Nothing makes a business owner start to sweat like when their commercial refrigerator isn’t cold enough. Maybe it feels like the temperature is warmer today than it was yesterday. Or perhaps the coolness of the fridge has never felt as if it was cold enough, even after standing unopened for long periods. 

Believe it or not, the most common complaint from commercial refrigerator owners tends to be that the unit does not appear to be cooling the way it should. And as one might expect, common problems often come with a wide range of possible reasons. 

  1. Human Error

Everyone has done it at one time or another, standing at the refrigerator and holding the door open for long periods. Keeping or leaving the refrigerator door open, whether a commercial unit or a home unit, for a long time is expensive and can cause cooling problems.

When the temperature of a refrigerator goes up—as it does with keeping the door open for a long time—it will take time for the interior of the unit to cool again once the door closes. The best solution to this problem is to ensure the door stays closed whenever possible.

  1. Darn Doors

Refrigerator doors do more than people realize. Even if employees are mindful of keeping the doors closed, the doors might still be part of the problem that the refrigerator isn’t cold enough.

The doors on a refrigerator are designed to seal to keep the cold inside. If the plastic seals have any damage, the door may appear to be appropriately closed, but it may still allow cold air to leak. The hinges may also allow cold air out if they are loose. If unsure about the seal or hinges, call a professional for an assessment.

  1. Overcrowding

It can be tempting to jam-pack a commercial refrigerator in a large facility where food and ingredients need to be kept cold. This is especially true when a single industrial refrigerator is the only one available. But it’s crucial to ensure that the fridge isn’t overcrowded and that boxes or jars don’t block ventilation areas. 

A good rule of thumb is to ensure that all items in the refrigerator have between 3 to 6 inches of space between them. Also, make sure that expired, or old items are removed. Overcrowding compromises the cooling systems in a fridge and causes food to spoil. 

  1. Check the Temperature

If everything else has been checked and the refrigerator temperature still isn’t cold enough, the problem might be the thermostat. Make sure that there are not any items blocking the temperature gauge. If so, remove those items and recheck the thermometer. If the temperature still isn’t getting cold enough, it’s time to call a professional and possibly get that thermostat replaced. 

  1. Keep it Clean

The coils located on the bottom of most commercial refrigeration units can become dirty and clogged. These coils must be kept clean to maintain a cool temperature inside the fridge. Check with the manufacturer about how to clean the coils or contact a professional to clean them.

  1. Check the Air Flow

Like any temperature regulating unit, a refrigerator also needs room for air to circulate to keep things cool. If a fridge is sandwiched between appliances and shelves of other items, it may not be getting the kind of airflow it requires. Moving a refrigerator to have more space may provide it with the appropriate level of airflow to function properly.

  1. Avoid Excessive Heat Exposure

Some environments prove to be too hot to allow a commercial refrigerator to cool completely. If the fridge is in an extremely hot kitchen or the sun beats directly onto it for long stretches of the day, the unit may not be able to cool to a low temperature. Some reorganization might be the best way to get the refrigerator to be able to keep perishables cool.


No matter what the reason is as to why a commercial refrigerator isn’t cold enough, any business owner would be prudent in contacting a professional for service as soon as possible. The damage that can come from spoiled food is bad enough, and no one wants to suffer the unpleasant consequences of what happens to the contents of a fridge that isn’t cold enough.


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