Jerky could be made from several kinds of meat. You could choose the one suitable to meet your taste bud’s needs. It would be worth mentioning here that quality meat means quality jerky. However, it does not mean that you would be required to pay a huge amount for enjoying the best jerky.

From where to get the best jerky snack

 A good way to avail the best jerky would be to search for local supermarket sales. This would be a great method to get high-quality beef jerky at a relatively lower price. The meat could always be frozen for making jerky later. Lean ground beef would make superb jerky. It could be shaped to make fun-jerky using cookie cutters.

Preparing the beef jerky

Jerky meat should be cut with a grain or else it would crumble and fall apart during the cooking process. Thin meat or thick meat would not cook evenly. Consider using your favorite seasonings and beef jerky recipe to season your meat strips. Most of the steaks and chicken marinades have been made easily available on the grocery store shelves. They would work wonderfully well for jerky. Consider storing the meat in a sealed container or a zip lock bag overnight. Rest assured the meat would absorb all the favorite flavors.

The jerky should be cooked properly. It could be done using a dehydrator, in the oven, on the grill, or by a smoker. For basic oven cooking, consider pre-heating the jerky to two hundred degrees and placing strips of meat on a cookie sheet. However, you would be required to ensure they do not touch one another. Cook the jerky for nearly one hour and twenty minutes. You should turn the pieces regularly. Determine the desired consistency after one hour.

A healthy snack for all ages

Beef jerky is a healthy snack for all ages. You could carry it anywhere. Jerky makes an excellent gift for your loved ones. It would be a fun activity for children to help in the kitchen. It would get the entire family involved. Jerky recipes could be personalized to taste based on your taste bud’s needs.

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