Conclusive research indicates that knife usage dates back since the evolution of humanity when man used stone for cutting. You obviously know that a knife, whether sharp or dull, can be dangerous if not used carefully. Dull blades can cause injury due to the force applied when using them. A sharp knife is safe, but don’t ignore that it requires much attention when in use. Here is precisely what you need to ensure your safety when you are using a kitchen knife.

Cut on a stable surface. Some of the kitchen surfaces might be wet and slippery. Therefore it is good to place a damp kitchen towel under a chopping board to ensure stability. It’s a good option if you don’t have rubber to maintain the chopping board grip.

Choose the right knife when cutting. It doesn’t make sense to use a bread knife in chopping vegetables because it will waste most of your time. The kamikoto knife will leave you spoilt for choices since it comes in different shapes and size, and it’s, therefore, a good option.

Don’t lick any food leftovers on your knife. Most of the tongue injuries are a result of licking the leftovers on a knife. It’s very dangerous because the blade can easily slice your tongue.

Keep your knife clean. Cleanliness in your kitchen can help you avoid contamination and injury. The residues left on most of the kitchen items like chopping board can cause slippery when you are cutting, and you might get cut easily.

Be attentive when cutting. As a rule of thumb, don’t handle other tasks when you are cutting since it causes distraction and you might end up cut. Please give your cutting all the attention needed before managing other activities in the kitchen.

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