Psst… when was the last time you made something amazing with cashews?

If you like cashews, or are a fan of these dried fruits, we have two amazing recipes for you. Cashews have amazing benefits if consumed in the right proportion and they are used to make curries, desserts and even ice creams. However, if the proportion is not correct, you might not get the taste you expect. Therefore, even while using the recipes mentioned below, make sure you know how much cashews you would want to use to get that perfect taste.

The First Recipe:

Roasted Cashew Snack:

Got a lot of raw cashews at home? Not sure what to do with them?

We know the most perfect and easiest thing you can do for them – roast the cashews and attract them to munch on them!

In a pan, add two tablespoons of olive oil. Once the oil is warm enough on a medium flame, add the cashews you want to roast. Now add salt and black pepper and roast them until they are brown. Cool them and they are all set to be stored in a glass container. These beauties can be served at a party or can be munched on whenever someone is hungry. They are an excellent snack!

The Second Recipe: 

The Asian countries are known for the kind of cuisines they have. If you are fond of Asian gravies, you must know that a lot of them use cashews to get the desired taste and thickness. 

Grind cashews with a cup of hot water. Blend the two until they are totally smooth. In order to get a better taste, you can grind one onion and three cloves of garlic with the mixture mentioned earlier. Now give a nice boil to this paste and you’d get the best gravy for anything.

Boil your favorite vegetables and add them to this gravy. Let it boil for another two to three minutes and the taste you’d get is something you’d want to have for the rest of your life!

The most wonderful thing about this gravy is that you can boil any hard vegetables and add them to the same. The taste is always awesome. If you are fond of cottage cheese, you can cut it into small pieces and add them directly to the hot gravy with cashews. You can thank us later for this!

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