You need to head to Ethiopia if you wish to drink the best coffee in the world. There are no second thoughts to it that Ethiopia is the heartbeat of the agricultural economy of Ethiopia. Ethiopia is one of the largest coffee producers in the world as it produces at least 3 to 5% of the world’s coffee annually.   Here you can learn everything about Ethiopian coffee.

Tips To Brew Ethiopian Coffee

●       Automatic Drip

As coffees from Africa are both lights in body and acidity, it is ideal to use them as filter coffee. If you choose to use an automatic dripper, you will indeed produce a fantastic cup of coffee, provided the coffee is roasted and fresh. The paper filter promises clarity to the coffee flavors, which claims to offer ideal acidity and body.

●       Pour Over

If you are looking for the best results, you must try pouring over the Ethiopian coffee as it gives you better control during the brewing process. The best part is that the brew is slowed down enough to provide you with the best coffee flavors.

●       Cold Brew

Thanks to their fruited notes, the Ethiopian coffee beans promise a fantastic, refreshing cold brew. You can also make a smoothie with blueberry or peach. All you need to do is grind it coarsely for cold coffee, so you don’t end up with extra extraction of the acidity from coffee.

What Can You Expect From Coffee From Ethiopia?

Coffee from Ethiopia is quite famous for its fruited bright flavors. But these coffees also feature a high amount of acidity levels, including light to medium. The beans tend to be washed or naturally processed. The processing method indeed has a significant impact on the final coffee taste. The fruit tends to get removed mechanically when the coffee is either washed or processed. The beans are known for their flavor clarity, bright light, and challenging notes. Above all, the final cup is just tasty. When the beans are dried naturally, they are often left with the fruit on the bean. The fruit pulp isn’t removed until it is time to export them. The majority of the coffee beans from Ethiopia are naturally processed, and for centuries now, they have been done this way. At, you can find some great coffee beans from Ethiopia. Above all, the processing method has a significant impact on the taste of coffee.

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